Image credit — Hugh Stewart.
Gabrielle Connole is an Australian photographer and visual artist who celebrates the beauty of the human spirit.
As well as portraiture, her practice spans light sculpture, video and public art programs, and has seen her travel across Australia and internationally for creative engagements.
Gabrielle’s formative years as a photographer were spent in Europe, with an early career highlight assisting photographer Rankin, in his London studio. Prior to this she studied analogue photography at HAW Hamburg Faculty of Design, Germany and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from UNSW Art and Design, Sydney. In 2022, she was awarded an International Post Graduate Scholarship at Chelsea Collage of Art and Design, UAL. While completing her Master of Arts in London, Gabrielle refined her photographic skills and expanded her conceptual knowledge in every way.
Gabrielle has collaborated on unique creative projects for major brands such as Gorman, Bumble, Emirates and Ford. Her work has been published by Australian Broadcasting Coporation, Vanity Fair France, Le Monde Magazine, Broadsheet, Crea Traveller Japan and others.
No matter the creative brief, she is committed to delivering beautiful photographs that tell your story.